Sell more products with dynamic mock ups in Pic-Time

Sell more products with dynamic mock ups in Pic-Time

If you’re not doing In Person Sales (IPS) then you need to use a gallery system that’s going to help you drive sales. IPS is always going to drive bigger sales (and if you want to do IPS, but don’t know where to start, go speak to Maggie over at But for those of…

Lightroom – If you’re using multiple catalogs you’re wrong

Lightroom – If you’re using multiple catalogs you’re wrong

Lightroom is misunderstood and under utilised by many photographers. Hardly a day goes by without someone asking how to arrange their catalogs, and great swathes of people saying you should use a single catalog for *every* *single* *shoot*. A clear indicator that they’re missing out on some of the incredibly useful tools lightroom has to…

How to take awesome dance-floor photos

How to take awesome dance-floor photos

I love dancing shots at weddings! Nothing like getting stuck into the middle of a party and capturing everyone having an awesome time. But invariably the lighting for the party isn’t great, what’s fantastic for a party atmosphere isn’t always good for a photographer. So if you want to capture some incredible dancing shots, you’re…

Can we please stop using workshop images and styled shoots in our wedding portfolios?

Can we please stop using workshop images and styled shoots in our wedding portfolios?

Over the last few years I’ve noticed a growing trend of photographers in the UK using Workshops and Styled Shoots to boost their wedding portfolio. It wasn’t as prevalent when I started shooting weddings 6 years ago (following many years of documenting my own life with a camera), and I’m glad, because if I’d not…